Paul Hunter





Old guys around here got by

the Great Depression the hard way

would swear by one sure method

to bag a deer for the stewpot

without even owning a bullet


you just need a virgin snowfall

get out before dawn walk the edge of

a thicket where they bed down

pick a fresh track at first light

and follow fast as you can

all day till by sundown you come on

the deer exhausted to where

you can walk right up cut his throat

drag him home hang him up


not that we needed the meat

but at sixteen I was in shape

ran free still mostly a wild thing

got away with anything it could

hadn’t yet heard how a man

shouldering his load might

clutch his chest kneel and whisper

what might be mistaken for prayer

to sense the day recede

all that sweet lightness turn rotten


so for a while without remorse

I could take any animal on the fly

watch it shiver and flail

as it sank down into its body

as if a little life were nothing more


but with only a single-shot .22

no good on big game unless

you threaded them through the eye

I listened up and thought

without a word to anyone

I might just give that a try


then was up half the night worrying

the angel dust sifting down

wouldn’t stay cold enough to stick


but awoke with a jerk there it was

fresh cake icing freezing cold perfect

so I bundled up and lit out


skirted the swamp where they hide

and at daylight came on big tracks

I could tell when they sunk in

where they turned away from

low hanging branches

must be a pretty fair buck


and the chase was on

slow motion half of it

though pretty soon I could sense

I was doing whatever he did

except sailing clean over fences

jogging thin hard patches

skittering down creekbeds

floundering drifts

sunny patches breaking through the crust


pushing to stay with him

and not sweat what I can’t see

something out ahead there making tracks


so through the day I unbutton

my coat to cool off

stuff my hat in a pocket


wish I’d packed a sandwich anything

to go with the fluffy handful

I scoop and splash up in my face


not worrying noise or if

the wind’s caught my scent

once I find a spot near a ridgeline

he must have stood awhile watching

me huff along there below him

from then on keeps circling downwind


which is a good sign

urges me on through the noon hour

jogging a hundred paces then walking

then another hundred on the run


lucky somewhere in there cut across

an abandoned homestead orchard

where I climb for shriveled apples

just out of his reach

chew a couple catch my second wind go on


always stuck to his tracks

never once catching sight of him

though in one thicket up ahead I seem to see

stalks and reeds bend around

something big threading its way


and by late in the day a little winded

dazed and snowblind and footsore

with one hand I can barely feel

from a glove shucked off somewhere

and a tightness in the legs lets me know

bedtime won’t feel like flying


start to see signs he is slipping

meandering now as if lost


then at a steep rise when I least expect

there he is

rickety as a card table

front legs splayed


head lowered in twilight

eight sharp tines turned to meet me

watching from the corner of his eye

heaving plumes of exhaustion

smaller mangier than I’d thought


then I sidle closer

fumble all around me for the knife

but one more thing shed on the trail


look quick for something to brain him

on this downslope miles from nowhere


but there’s nothing here besides

me reaching out emptyhanded

him feinting and fending off

trembling now breathing hard

dogged spent thing glaring back

in recognition

feeling the treacherous footing

as even turning to backtrack

uphill away from what’s left of it

live and let live I slip and fall


Copyright © 2003 Paul Hunter.  All Rights Reserved.

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